Monday, July 22, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

What Makes BIOSEA Cod Liver Oil So Good for Us?

3 things that cod liver oil has going for it:
1. It contains high amounts of EPA and DHA, both crucial Omega-3 fatty acids. DHA is particularly needed for proper brain and nervous system function.
2. High levels of a natural form of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin. In Weston Price's studies, he discovered that primitive or traditional societies consumed at least 10 times the amount of both vitamin A and D that our modernized society consumes.
Weston Price considered the fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A, to be the catalysts on which all other biological processes depend. Efficient mineral uptake and utilization of water-soluble vitamins require sufficient vitamin A in the diet. His research demonstrated that generous amounts of vitamin A insure healthy reproduction and offspring with attractive wide faces, straight teeth and strong sturdy bodies.
He discovered that healthy primitives especially value vitamin-A-rich foods for growing children and pregnant mothers. The tenfold disparity that Price discovered between primitive diets and the American diet in the 1940s is almost certainly greater today as Americans have forsworn butter and cod liver oil for empty, processed polyunsaturates. (source)
3. Plentiful vitamin D, a nutrient that most Nigerian are deficient in, particularly those who live in cloudier climates with less sunshine (I say as I stare out my window, 6 months into the West Coast grey and rainy season). Recent research has been strongly connecting vitamin D with the immune system and autoimmune diseases. It is also important for bone strength (it ensures correct levels of calcium in the blood), for blood sugar balance, for fertility, for cancer prevention and more.
Can I heap some more praise onto the humble oil of the cod liver?
This marvelous Biosea Cod Liver Oil contains large amounts of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, essential nutrients that are hard to obtain in sufficient amounts in the modern diet. Samples may also naturally contain small amounts of the important bone- and blood-maintainer vitamin K.
There is hardly a disease in the books that does not respond well to treatment that includes cod liver oil, and not just infectious diseases but also chronic modern diseases like heart disease and cancer. Cod liver oil provides vitamin D that helps build strong bones in children and helps prevent osteoporosis in adults. The fatty acids in cod liver oil are also very important for the development of the brain and nervous system. "If you want to prevent learning disabilities in your children," said David Horrobin, distinguished medical and biochemical researcher, "feed them cod liver oil."
Cod liver oil contains more vitamin A and more vitamin D per unit weight than any other common food. One hundred grams of regular cod liver oil provides 100,000 IU of vitamin A, almost three times more than beef liver, the next richest source; and 10,000 IU vitamin D, almost four times more than lard, the next richest source. Of course, cod liver oil is only consumed in small amounts, but even a tablespoon (about 15 grams) provides well over the recommended daily allowance for both nutrients.

Who Should Take Cod Liver Oil?

Everyone! Cod liver oil is highly recommended as a general supplement for all adults and children by the Weston A. Price Foundation, The Maker's Diet author Dr. Jordan Rubin, and Gut and Psychology Syndrome author Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, all of whom I greatly respect for their nutritional research and guidance.
Based on these values, the dosage for the high-vitamin fermented cod liver oil is provided as follows:
Children age 3 months to 12 years: 1/2 teaspoon or 2.5 mL, providing 4650 IU vitamin A and 975 IU vitamin D.
Children over 12 years and adults: 1 teaspoon or 1 capsules, providing 9500 IU vitamin A and 1950 IU vitamin D.
Pregnant and nursing women: 2 teaspoon or 2 capsules, providing 19,000 IU vitamin A and 3900 IU vitamin D.
It should be noted that if you are taking a fermented cod liver oil, the suggested servings are actually 1/2 of these amounts, and many people find those dosages to be sufficient. If you are taking another brand, compare the vitaminA and D levels to see how they match up to the suggested dosages above.

What If I Truly Can't Afford the Really Good Stuff?

BIOSEA Cod Liver Oil is the most affordable brand in the Nigerian Market

Which Cod Liver Oil Should I Use? BIOSEA COD LIVER OIL Additionally, many brands of cod liver oil have been highly processed, deodorized, bleached and as a result of dwindling vitamin content at this point, they have synthetic vitamins added back in. So much for being a traditional food supplement! Interestingly, one reason to pay attention to the A to D ratio is that vitamin D is actually protective retinol (vitamin A) toxicity, a concern to some. So cod liver oil, eaten as a the whole, natural food that it is particularly safe in that regard. If you're concerned about vitamin A toxicity, this is a good read. Long, but helpful.

Which Cod Liver Oil Should I Use?
Additionally, many brands of cod liver oil have been highly processed, deodorized, bleached and as a result of dwindling vitamin content at this point, they have synthetic vitamins added back in. So much for being a traditional food supplement!
Interestingly, one reason to pay attention to the A to D ratio is that vitamin D is actually protective retinol (vitamin A) toxicity, a concern to some. So cod liver oil, eaten as a the whole, natural food that it is particularly safe in that regard. If you're concerned about vitamin A toxicity, this is a good read. Long, but helpful.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Great 7 Benefits of Biosea Cod Liver Oil

The Benefits of Cod Liver Oil are amazing, wide ranging and highly recommended by health care professionals around the world as part of your daily healthy diet.

Omega-3 fatty acid is one of the most important fats to consume andcod liver oil contains these in highly concentrated doses.

Cod liver oil is a great natural source of Vitamin A and D.

Cod liver oil contains the fatty acid Omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) which is a primary essential element for many parts of the human body including the skin, retina and brain.

Another omega-3 fatty acid found in cod liver oil is EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) which helps in the reduction of pain and blood clotting to name but a few.

Here you will find 7 Benefits of Cod liver Oil and why it is important to consume the omega-3 fatty acids found in them on a daily basis.

The 7 Benefits listed are in no particular order.

Discovering the Benefits of Cod Liver Oil 

Discovering the Benefits of Biosea Cod Liver Oil - 
The Modern Day Superfood

The Modern Day Superfood

The benefits of cod liver oil were first discovered in Scottish fishing towns and the Scandinavian fishing coasts of Norway and Iceland.

These communities would put up with severe winters and lack of sunlight due to their geographical position in the northern hemispheres.

As they were fishing towns cod was in abundance and they found that cod liver oil seemed to have properties which helped them beat any infection or illness.

They would religiously feed the natural oil from cod livers to those brought down by illness.

Cod liver oil used to be made by putting fresh cod livers and seawater into a wooden barrel and letting the combined mixture ferment. They would extract the oil after a about a year of fermentation.

Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Healthy Brain, Development and Growth

(1.) in Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Healthy Brain, Development and Growth

Cod liver oil contains more Vitamin A and D than any other food and is classed as a "superfood" when it comes to brain development and stability.

DHA found in cod liver oil is also what the mother of a new born produces in her milk. This is vital for the growth and development of the brain in infants.

Some studies have suggested that ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can be attributed to a lack of DHA in the brain as a major benefit of cod liver oil consumption is the improved function of the brain including memory, depression and bipolar among others...
See the Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Healthy Eyes

(2.) See the Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Healthy Eyes

The deterioration of eye sight can be delayed by the intake of Omega-3.

The condition AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) can lead to the loss of sight due to the damage it causes to the center of the eye.

The intake of Omega-3 from code liver oil is a great benefit to your eyes as it will lower the risk of AMD. This along with Vitamin A will help keep your eyes healthy.

The Omega-3 fatty acid DHA is at it's highest concentration within the eye.

Taking cod liver oil will help replenish any deficiency in that region.
Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Keep a Healthy Heart

(3.) Heart Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Keep a Healthy Heart

Omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil benefits your heart as they produceMyocytes.

Myocytes are required to make your heart beat through electrical pulses it generates and they stabilizes the rhythm of the heart.

Heart attacks are one of the biggest killers on Earth and Omega-3 will help stabilize and steady the heart for those who have previously suffered a heart attack.
Maintain Healthy Bones

(4.) in Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Maintain Healthy Bones

The most common known benefit of cod liver oil is to maintain healthy bones.

Cod liver oil is a great natural source of Vitamin D, which is required to keep density and strength in our bones.

Being deficient in Vitamin D can cause Osteomalacia (also known as Rickets in children) and studies have shown that cod liver oil and other oily fish naturally containing Vitamin D can help prevent such a condition, although cod liver oil contains higher doses of Vitamin D than other oily fish such as mackerel.

If your bones do not have enough Calcium or Vitamin D they can become brittle and thin, cod liver oil can help enable the growth and structure of bones, thus helping with conditions such as Osteoporosis, the most painful of degenerative diseases.

Cod liver oil is very effective in slowing the depreciation of joint cartilage.

Another benefit of cod Liver oil is in the treatment for Arthritic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. This is due to it's anti-inflammatory properties through EPA and DHA.

It's also advised to take cod liver oil for diseases such as as Crohn's disease and lupus.
Healthy Skin and Anti-Ageing

(5.) in Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Healthy Skin and Anti-Ageing

A great benefit of cod liver oil is that it's a natural source of Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is what keeps our skin healthy and a daily intake of this can help slow the anti-ageing process of our skin cells and the decline in naturally produced collagen.

This means cod liver oil is fantastic at fighting acne and sun damage.
Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Cancers & Cancer Prevention

(6.) in Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Cancers & Cancer Prevention

Although information related to omega-3 fatty acids are speculative and complex in nature in relation to the prevent of Cancer, studies have indicated that omega-3 can help with prostate, breast and colorectal cancers.

This may be due to the Vitamin D in fishy oils such as cod liver oil identifying the bad cells in the body, helping your system attack them.

There was a study conducted at Manchester University (UK) recently that suggested volunteers who were given Omega-3 supplements were more able to combat the ill effects of sunshine on the skin than those given a placebo.

Manchester University did advise that the evidence is not conclusive but did show that the benefits of omega-3 nutrients can go some way to help the prevention of skin cancer.
Get a Good Nights Rest

(7.) in Benefits of Cod Liver Oil - Get a Good Nights Rest

For those who have trouble sleeping at night, it has been recommended that cod liver oil can help get a good night sleep.

Some studies have shown that it seems to have a calming affect on those who previously could not sleep. People who would only get on average 3-4 hours a night saw an improvement when taking cod liver oil on a daily basis.

It may be down to the affect it has on the heart and brain that gives a calming affect and allows those who struggle to sleep get a good nights rest.